What I Found At Niagara Produce: Galeffi Effervescent

What I Found At Niagara Produce: Galeffi Effervescent Image

  Fast-acting, pleasant, and refreshing. Galeffi Effervescent. “Particularly suitable after meal for its digestive skill.” That is the greatest explanation of an effervescent granulate preparation I’ve ever heard. Two heaped teaspoons in a glass of cool water, drink. What’s it like? Here’s a guy with an awesome beard taste testing it. He seems to like it. The beard guy couldn’t comment on the antacid properties of the product. The first non-sugar ingredient is Sodium Bicarbonate. This ingredient is used to relieve heartburn and acid indigestion, as well as whiten in toothpastes and supplement athletic performance.

Galeffi Effervescent can be found in Italian specialty shops, or at your local Niagara Produce.